These facts are from a Gennifer Choldenko site about her novel Al Capone Does My Shirts that is no longer published. True or false?
True or False answers
Multiple choice 1. Gennifer Choldenko (author of Al Capone Does My Shirts and Al Capone Shines My Shoes) and the world-famous gangster Al Capone share: A. a birthday in January B. the childhood nickname "Snot-Nose" C. a love of diamond pinkie rings D. a brother named Henry 2. You knew Al Capone wanted to get rid of you when: A. He rented an apartment near your place. B. He sent you a note with one bullet hole in the upper right corner. C. His wife, Mae, gave you one yellow rose. D. He sent you to the store for a box of raisins. 3. During Al Capone's many prison stays he was written up for: A. Having too many pairs of underwear. B. Keeping rolls of money in the carved out handle of his tennis racquet. C. Making his bed too often. D. All of the above. Multiple Choice Answers
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