This is adapted from a page on the Boise State University website created by created by Stefanie Welty that is no longer published.
PLOT AND THE PLOT DIAGRAM Plot is the series of events in a story that explain to the reader what is happening. One of the easiest ways to understand plot is to look at the mountain shaped plot diagram and think of story in terms of climbing a mountain. Stage 1 - Exposition
Stage 2 - Rising Action
Stage 3 - Climax
Stage 4 - Falling Action
Stage 5 - Resolution
Conflict Every story has a conflict - a struggle between two opposing forces. The conflict may be between two people or it may be between a person and some other force such as the weather, a problem, or even a problem a character has with themself. Since every story revolves around conflict, it is important to understand the two kinds of conflict.
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I often struggle to find websites with thorough explanations in simple language to help kids understand historical events or scientific concepts, so I decided to create some of my own! -Cookie Davis
March 2024